Wilmott's CSA set to Debut this Summer
KU Professor Kevin Willmott's film "CSA (Confederate States of America)"
is set to be released sometime this summer around July.
CSA is a faux documentary that looks at the United
States after the Civil War, in which the South has just
claimed victory. The film follows the Ken Burns-style
of documenting a historical event. In this case, Willmott
presents the fictional story of a British broadcast of 20th century
American history making its television debut in the Confederate
(I had the chance to view a copy of the film this
last week. It does not disappoint. Willmott did a
terrific job of putting the film together.)
The film has already received positive reviews
through it's screening at last year's Sundance
Film Festival.
C.S.A. cost about $1 million to make and was
shot over a three-year period in Lawrence and the
Kansas City, Kan., area.
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